By understanding the discounts available to the car or truck driver, you really have the potential to shop smart and save on future auto insurance premiums. Here are some of the more effective strategies for helping to save when shopping at the auto/car insurance California companies:
Comparison shop for better insurance rates
Since it can be done in a matter of minutes, there is no reason why you shouldn't use the price comparison sites when the insurance falls due for renewal to make certain you're paying roughly the right premium for the insurance protection on the vehicle. Beyond just using the price comparison sites, you might also wish to contact 2 or 3 insurance companies direct to see what prices they might be able to provide for your specific circumstances.
Doing away with extra cars
If you have a insurance policy that includes more than one vehicle, than you really want to make certain that the vehicles mentioned on the policy are in fact in use and fully roadworthy. If you have vehicles that are on the policy, but are rarely if ever used you might wish to have these removed as this might have an impact on the insurance premium you are paying each month.
Ask about multi-vehicle discounts
You will likely find that many of the auto insurers in California offer discounts if you place more than one vehicle through their insurance company. Discounts for these dual polices are often in the region of 10% to 15%, which can be highly attractive if you have multiple policies held through the same insurance provider. If you find that your existing insurance company doesn't offer a discount of this nature, you might want to look at an alternative provider who is able to offer special discounts, which should result in a reduced premium.
Improving your car handling with safe driving courses
If you are willing to invest the time in one of the safe driving courses available, you might well see that this is able to offer a further discount on the premium quoted by the auto insurers. You will likely look at this option of saving approx 10% to 15% if you are a young driver. Even though these courses can be completed within a short timeframe, you will find that the discount lasts a significant period of time.
Accept a higher deductible amount
One of the simplest strategies for attracting a more competitive rate on the insurance is by increasing the deductible amount. You will need to be certain that your able to accept the higher deductible and that it wouldn't cause any significant issues in maintaining the road worthiness of your vehicle due to the fact you would need to cover the cost of the smaller repairs.
Avoided getting involved in accidents or having tickets
If you are able to show to your California auto insurance company that you are a safe and responsible driver it is likely to be reflected in the future insurance premiums you are likely to receive. Also, if you are able to avoid being issued with tickets due to being at fault at traffic signals, speeding, etc. this can also help in the process of maintaining a more manageable premium on the insurance.
All in all, if you are able to put in the necessary steps to search the market for the latest auto insurance premiums, you should be able to attract more competitive rates, especially if you are deemed to be a safe and responsible driver. There should not be too much of problem in this.